The Sandman

Character Breakdowns For Netflix’s ‘The Sandman’ Revealed

Last year it was announced that Warner Bros. and Netflix would be adapting Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman into a tv series. News has been scarce since then, but it seems that drought has ended as breakdowns for two characters have surfaced.

Insider Daniel Richtman revealed on his Patreon character breakdowns for both Morpheus and the Corinthian. As fans of the comics know Morpheus, aka Dream is the titular Sandman and one of the Endless a powerful group of siblings who include Destiny, Death, Destruction, Despair, Desire, and Delirium (as well as Dream). Meanwhile, the Corinthian is a rogue nightmare created by Dream.

According to the casting breakdown, Netflix is looking to cast a male of open ethnicity between 25 and 34 for the role of Dream. In the comics, the Endless often assume different appearances depending on who they are interacting with, so it makes sense they are not casting any specific race. For the full character description check below:

He Is tall and thin with bone-white skin, black hair and two stars In place of eyes. He Is meticulous in his pursult of his duties but sow to understand humor and can occasionally be Insensitive. He is often self-obsessed and slow to a forglve a sight.

READ: Netflix & Warner Bros. TV Nearing Deal To Develop A ‘Sandman’ TV Series

The breakdown also revealed that Netflix is looking to cast a white male between 30 and 35 for the Corinthian. The character is described as a “sexy villain”. The Corinthian was first introduced in The Sandman #10  during The Doll House arc, the second volume of the series. It was initially reported that each season of the series would focus on a different volume from the comics, so it seems they may combine the first and second arcs if the Corinthian appears this early.

Also included in the character breakdowns were additional details about the series. The first season will be reportedly be comprised of 10 one hour episodes and it is scheduled to begin filming in May of this year in the UK.

Are you excited to see Dream and the Corinthian in The Sandman? Who else are you looking forward to seeing on the show? Let us know in the comments below!


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8 responses to “Character Breakdowns For Netflix’s ‘The Sandman’ Revealed”

  1. I wish they’d write stories just for TV or movies and stop ruining my favourite books and comics. Unfortunately Neil Gaiman seems adamant to ruin his own stories and reputation. I love his books and comics, I grew up on them. But the adaptations of them don’t do them justice. Coraline being the exception. And don’t get me started on Marvel, they’ve made the same movie almost 30 times.

  2. I can’t wait for this. American Gods was great, but Sandman is my absolute favorite Gaiman. This is going to be so many levels of awesome.

  3. You can’t hate Good Omens! It was a thing of beauty. American Gods was a barrel of laughs too, what’s not to like about Ian McShane playing Odin?

    1. I want to be excited but I’m also afraid they will destroy it

  4. […] que el rodaje de la adaptación de The Sandman para Netflix ya está con vistas a comenzar. Ahora Full Circle Cinema ha publicado las descripciones de El Corintio y Sueño, que revelan más detalles de los que serán […]

  5. […] de la adaptación de The Sandman para Netflix ya está con vistas a comenzar. Ahora Full Circle Cinema ha publicado las descripciones de El Corintio y Sueño, que revelan más detalles de […]

  6. American Gods was great, but Sandman is my absolute favorite Gaiman. This is going to be so many levels of awesome.

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